Method: |
Add a thin layer of diluted white glue onto Crystal Reflections®
- Santa Claus Shape. Add small amount of water in glue
if necessary. |
Roll red clay into a sheet and cover the hat and clothes
area. Cut off the excess clay by using appropriate tool
from the Makin's Clay Tool Set. |
Roll flesh colored clay into a sheet and add onto the
face and hands. Add details on face by using two tiny
dots of black clay for the eyes. Use two balls of red
clay and flatten for the cheek. Use white clay for the
eyebrows and the beard.
Use white clay form the hat and sleeves; trim and the
small ball at the tip of the hat. Use black clay for the
belt, shoes and yellow clay for the belt buckle. Use Makin's
Chisel to texture the beard
Add white glue on the yellow clay and sprinkle gold glitter.
Add white glue on the white clay too and sprinkle clear
glitter evenly. |
by - MAKIN'S CLAY® Design Team |