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* Makin's Clay®
  • 10g Black Clay
  • 10g Straw Clay
  • 10g Burnt Red Clay
  • 40g Yellow Clay
  • 60g Terra Cotta Clay
  • 60g Dark Sage Clay
  • 120g Med. BrownClay
  • Any Favorite Color / Colors
  • Recommended Makin's® Tools:
  • Chisel
  • Mallet
  • Roller
  • Clay Mixing Ruler™
  • Other Materials:
  • Ruler
  • Clay Pusher
  • White glue
  • Scissors
  • Bamboo stick (Approximate length: 120mm)
  • Toothpicks
  • Brush
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Straws (size: 6mm & 3mm diameter)
  • Paintbrush
  • Photos: How:
      1. Roll a 7mm thick terra cotta sheet by Makin's Roller. Texture the surface by a brush. Cut a 90mm x 70mm rectangle by Makin's Roller & Cutter. Press against the top side-edges of land with the ruler slightly tilted.
      2. Roll a 5mm thick med. Brown sheet by Makin's Roller. Cut all walls of birdhouse according to paper pattern by Makin's Brand Mallet. Use 6mm and 3mm diameter straws to cut holes on the front wall as shown in the paper pattern. Let dry before sticking all walls to form a house shape.
    3. Roll a 5mm thick dark sage sheet by Makin's Roller. Cut two 35mm x 60mm rectangles by Makin's Brand Roller & Cutter according to paper pattern as the base of the roof. Cut twelve 80mm x10mm rectangles to make left & right roofs. Lay six roofs at one side of roof, with the edge at 2mm overlapping on top of the adjacent one. Stick well and press along each edge of the rectangles. Mark the length of roof, cut both ends by Makin's Roller & Cutter. Smooth the cut edges by a clay pusher. Let dry.
    4. Stick the left & right roofs on the house. Roll a 5mm diameter & 7mm long rope, then stick on the peak of the roof. Cut the excess length by scissors. Flatten the peak by Makin's Brand Roller. Indent a hole at the middle of the peak by a bamboo stick. Let dry.
    Roll a 15mm long & 2mm diameter med. Brown bar by ruler, then stick at the smaller hole of the front wall.
    Draw white pattern on the foot ends of walls & paint contrast with acrylic color.
    5. Roll a 15mm thick yellow sheet by Makin's Brand Roller. Cut a shape according to paper pattern by scissors. Smooth the edge by fingers. Embed a 120mm bamboo stick at the bottom of the body.
    6. Roll two pieces of 5mm diameter yellow balls to make a pair of wings, then roll them into two pieces of tear drop and flat them with palm. Texture feather with Makin's Brand Chisel. Stick the wings on the body with tips pointing to the tail. Indent 4 holes at the tail by toothpick.
        7. Roll two pieces of 4mm diameter straw color balls with finger to make beak, then roll into 1cm long teardrop shape with fingers. Cut to form a V-shape by scissors. Press the inner sides of beak by Makin's Brand Mallet. Let dry.
    8. Roll two 5mm diameter burnt red balls with fingers to make wattle, then roll it into two 10mm teardrop shapes. Stick the tips together. Let dry.
    Roll two 5mm diameter burnt red balls, then roll it into two 15mm long sausage shape to make comb. Press 2 depressions at one side by a clay pusher. Smooth all edges with fingers. Let dry. Finally stick the wattle, beak & comb in place.
      9. Use dark sage color clay to roll four 5mm diameter tip-end ropes. Coil and shape them according to paper pattern. Embed a thin and short toothpick at blunt ends of each rope. Let dry before sticking to the holes on the tail.
      Finally. Stick the bamboo stick on the land by passing through the hole of the roof.

    Designed by - Dorothy Chan, MAKIN'S CLAY® Design Team

    ©2018 Sino Harvest Ltd. All rights reserved.