Method: |
Roll green clay into a ball and flatten to form
ground. Tick upwards on the clay with Makin's Chisel
to form grass. Indent sides with a toothpick. Mark
four holes in ground to place flowers. |
Makin's Push Molds (Leaves) to make 8 small leaves
as shown. Bend and shape leaves then stick them
around holes in the ground. |
Choose desired colors to make flowers. Roll colored
clay into sheets and cut with Makin's Clay Cutter
Set (Flowers/ Leaves). Press petals as shown in
diagram with Makin's Chisel and Rasp. |
Roll four glow-in-the-dark clay balls and glue them
to the middle of the flower. Stick long green wire
in one end of each flower. Put flowers into holes
in the ground. |
Roll 4 glow-in-the-dark clay balls as wings. Press
balls flat and indent the center with Makin's Chisel. |
Roll yellow clay into a cylinder and mark pattern
on bee's body with strips of black clay. Add eyes
and glue all bee pieces together according to pattern.
Stick a wire into bee as shown. |
Assemble pieces together as shown in diagram. |
by - Dorothy Chan, MAKIN'S CLAY® Design
Team |